Friday, July 28, 2006

Browser dilemma...

The rapid advancements in browser technology has divided people in two major groups, those who go for Opera and those who opt Firefox. I myself has been using Opera 9 and just love it. The only hitch with Opera 9 is its memory consumption. But apart from that it's running as smooth as water on duckback. I don't require flashy features but if you're one for it Opera doesn't shy away from it. It has loads of features to play with. I did gave Firefox a try but somehow never liked it better than Opera. Now with the release of Firefox the battles hottens again, well atleast according to those open-source buffs. I haven't gave Firefox a try yet but I really am in no hurry amply satisfied by Opera. But from what i've read the new Firefox does pack a decent punch whether good enough to lead the race i've yet to see. But ofcourse I'm a bit prejudiced wanting Opera to do better. But regardless of whether Opera wins or the crown is worn by Firefox this race has given the users a welcome dilemma. Consider what waits ahead, and why just in browsers but in other types of softwares. The way IE has been brushed by these two, i'm hoping a couple of OSes pop up and give Microsoft and Mac a serious run for their money (No i'm not a Linux enthusiast). But then OS are more complicated an issue, and not just programmatically, to discuss in this post. Maybe some other day we'll have a fire-side talk about OSes. For now you have Opera (or Firefox).

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